主讲人 : Mario Guagliano
冷喷涂作为一种新型表面强化技术,除了作为防护涂层还可用于表面功能化及几何修复,在增材制造领域具有广泛的应用前景。 本讲座针对冷喷涂工艺对零件疲劳性能的影响研究进行了综述,并讲述了主讲人团队在冷喷涂方面的研究进展,最后对冷喷涂工艺在零件疲劳强化中的应用前景进行了展望。
Cold spray technology has recently gained much attention for applications beyond its primary cause of protective coating deposition. It has found its way for depositing thin films for surface functionalization, thick coatings for geometrical restoration, and has exhibited a high potential for additive manufacturing. As cold spray paves its way towards more structural applications, evaluating its performance under cyclic loading is significantly importance. In the presentation, the current state of the art on the contribution of various forms of cold spray deposits to fatigue strength is reviewed and the results obtained by the research group of the speaker are critically discussed as well as future perspectives for the application of cold spray to structural parts subjected to fatigue loads.
Mario Guagliano,米兰理工大学机械工程系教授,第14届国际喷丸大会主席,长期从事喷丸强化、表面功能化涂层和表面纳米化表面改性技术研究,出版专著3部,合著专著5章,在国际权威学术期刊与国际会议上发表论文200多篇,累积引用量7000余次。多次担任科学委员会主席、联合主席、委员,受邀担任国际会议的特邀报告人。EASN(欧洲航空科学网络)董事会成员,国际喷丸科学委员会成员和多瑙河亚德里亚研讨会。任Surface and Coatings Technology、Journal of Structural Integrity、Journal of Multiscale modeling、Journal Structural Damage and modeling Health Monitoring等期刊编委,Acta Materialia、Materials & Design等多项国际科学期刊的审稿专家,是国家高端外专项目入选者。此外,Mario教授还承担了亚新平台(中国)国际学术课程《喷丸强化工艺与应用Shot peening technology and application》的教学工作,是中-意科研合作和文化沟通桥梁的积极建设者。
Prof. Mario Guagliano’s main scientific interests are innovative methods for mechanical design, shot peening, kinetic treatments and coating techniques for surface functionalization and for superior properties as well as to obtain nanostrucutred surfaces. He is author of more than 200 papers. He is in charge of several contractual researches with private and public enterprises and of research projects funded by regional and national public organizations, coordinator of researches programs of national interest (PRIN) and of projects funded by the European Commission (FP7). He is member of the Board of Directors of the EASN (European Aeronautic Science Network), member of the International Scientific Committee on Shot Peening and of the Danubia Adria Symposium. Member of the Editorial Board of the journals of Surface and Coatings Technology, Journal of Structural Integrity, Journal of Multiscale modeling, and Journal Structural Damage and Modeling Health Monitoring.